Cold Case: Daniel Burns

CASE DATE: April 14, 1980
7700 Nightingale Way
Daniel Lynn Burns, 42, also known as "Doc," lived in the 7700 block of Nightingale Way in the University Heights area. He was an alumnus of San Jose State University and many of his acquaintances described him as a sports fanatic and a huge fan of the San Jose State football team.
Daniel worked at Naval Ocean Systems Center in the supply department. He was well liked by all his co-workers and described as a very animated and joyful person. On Monday April 14, 1980, Daniel did not show up for work. When a fellow co-worker attempted to check on him and received no answer he became concerned and contacted the San Diego Police Department. When officers entered Daniel's condo they discovered Daniel's body; he had been strangled to death and the residence had been ransacked. Daniel was last seen alive on Sunday night, April 13, 1980, at the Monte Carlo Club.